C.W. Wood
April 2007
In these last hours of time, another great
mystery is being unveiled before God’s Bride. It is “The Mystery of the
Inheritance of the Saints”. The great Apostle Paul had much to say about The
Sons of God obtaining an inheritance. We would like to give some of his teaching
on this doctrine and also quote our modern day Prophet, Brother William Branham
on the same subject. The inheritance that we speak of, has, for the most part
according to the Scripture, remained a mystery. But in Paul’s day, he declared
that God had made known the Mystery of His Will concerning an inheritance that
He intended to give to His Saints. We, who believe that God has sent an End-Time
Prophet, do also believe that this Prophet preached the same Message as the
Apostle Paul. And so, we will look into the doctrine of “The Inheritance of
the Saints” as it was taught by the first Church-age Messenger, and also by
the last Church-Age Messenger. In the beginning of our sermon, so that you will
know in what direction we are headed, we will state the Mystery that has
surrounded the Inheritance of the Saints. It is the fact that The Son’s of God
are to be given full authority over the earth even as it was given to Adam in
the Garden of Eden. Is this a mystery? Surely it is to our natural minds, but it
is also very Scriptural! In the mind of this writer, it is a revelation that
must be received and acted on by the Bride before the Rapture takes place.
We will quote the Apostle Paul in Eph. 1:9-14, where he speaks of
the Mystery of our Inheritance. “Having
made known unto us the Mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which
He hath purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fullness of times (in
the end-time) He might gather together in
one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven, and which are on Earth, even
in Him. In whom also we have obtained an INHERITANCE being predestinated
according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His
own will (It was His will to give His Saints an inheritance in the earth,
which inheritance was the earth, itself.),
that we should be to the praise of His Glory who first trusted in Christ. In
whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your
salvation; in whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that Holy
Spirit of promise, WHICH IS THE EARNEST OF OUR INHERITANCE, until the redemption
of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His Glory.” (The Holy
Ghost was the Seal that guaranteed us we would receive an inheritance.)
We believe the inheritance spoken of here is the same inheritance that
Adam received when being placed in the Garden of Eden. Gen. 1:26-28, “And
God said, let us make man in our likeness, and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth. So God
created man in His own Image, in the Image of God created He him; male and
female created He them. And God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT
MOVETH UPON THE EARTH.” This was God’s plan from the beginning, that man
should rule, and since God does not change His plan, we can know that He will
not take His Sons and Daughters off the earth until His plan has been fulfilled.
The Last-day Bride must receive their inheritance and act on it. This action, of
ruling on Earth for their God, and under His authority, is what will allow our
God to finish His overall plan and take His own up in a Rapture.
Many understand that God and His Bride will rule on Earth during the
thousand year reign, but perhaps do not yet understand that this reign of the
Bride for Christ BEFORE Rapture must also take place. In Rom.
It will be the Born-Again People taking full authority over the Devil and
his kingdom. It will be a faith reign by God’s Bride. It will be the “Binding
of the strong man, and the loosening of his captives here on Earth. Matt.
16:17-23, “And Jesus answered and
said unto him, blessed art thou Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not
revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in Heaven. And I say also unto
thee, thou are Peter, and upon this Rock (Rock of Revelation) I will build my church, AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST
IT. And I will give unto thee the keys of the
A fact that we must not overlook is that before we can rule over the
powers of darkness on Earth, we must have personal victory over the Devil in our
own lives. One who has not learned to rule Satan out of his own life cannot hope
to bind him on the whole Earth. What then does this personal victory consist of?
It is perhaps more simple than many realize! It is knowing that Satan cannot
move against us unless God has given permission. It is knowing that when our
Lord does give such permission that He has promised to go with us through
whatever the trial may be. Personal victory is not the faith to avoid trials,
but the faith to trust God through each one. Personal victory understands that
when we resist the Devil he will eventually have to obey God’s Word and flee
from us. Victory is holding on and continuing to resist while every circumstance
seems to prove that our answer is not coming. Personal victory is trusting fully
in the sovereignty of God.
After Peter and the Disciples had been given The Keys to the Kingdom,
they had to learn a very important lesson, and Peter learned it immediately
after he had received the keys. When Jesus told them that He was to suffer and
be killed, Peter took Him and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Be it far from Thee, Lord, this shall not be unto Thee.” No
doubt Peter thought he would just bind the evil power that was to harm his Lord.
After all, he had just been given the keys to the Kingdom, which power was to
bind and loose! But the lesson to Peter and to us today is that when we, as Sons
of God, are given power to rule on Earth, it is not the power to stop all
evil on Earth. It is only the power to put all devils under the authority of
God. When this power is exercised by the Church (The Bride) then God will use
evil in fulfilling of His overall plan. Pro. 16:4, “The
Lord hath made all things for Himself, yea, even the wicked for the day of
evil.” Isa. 45:7, “I form
the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all
these things.”
Even now, the Lord is giving His Bride the faith to bind the power
of the strong man, and loose the captives. But, they will not stop all
evil on the earth, for the Lord is using evil to bring to pass His own plan for
good. This is the Scripture. Rom. 8:28,
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
and who are the called according to His purpose.” Thus saith the Lord, all
evil must work together for good. God used evil men to bring to pass the
Crucifixion, which was the most evil thing that ever happened on Earth, but the
result was the most blessed thing that every happened on Earth, the Redemption
of mankind! God is using evil in these last days to bring to pass His will and
plan. Therefore, when we declare that the Sons of God are now manifesting their
authority over all Devil power, we are not declaring that they will stop all
evil, only that they, by faith, will put all evil under God’s control. The
Prophet and the Scriptures declare that God only works on Earth as His church
believes. This is going on right now. May I quote some very powerful Scripture? Ps.
76:10, “Surely the wrath of man
shall praise Thee, the remainder of wrath shalt Thou restrain.” This is
God’s own testimony that He will use evil to bring Himself glory, and if evil
arises that He does not wish to use, He will restrain it (stop it). Pro. 21:1,
“The king’s heart is in the Hand of
the Lord, as the rivers of water He turneth it whithersoever He will.” God
is sovereign and is in control of all things in Heaven and on Earth, but we must
remember that God has turned the affairs on Earth over to His Church.
The End-Time Bride is now receiving Her inheritance, which is His power
to usward who believe, that they might control the earth under His leadership.
The Lord Jesus came to Earth and destroyed the works of the Devil, then gave His
authority over all Devil things TO THE CHURCH. This is the teaching of the
Scripture in Eph. 1:19-23, “And
what is the exceeding greatness of HIS POWER TO USWARD WHO BELIEVE, according to
the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him
from the dead, and set Him at His own right Hand in the Heavenly places, far
above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and ever name that is
named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come; WHICH HATH PUT
CHURCH.” Can we see what the Holy Ghost is saying here? God gave Jesus,
who was the Head over all things, to the Church. Now, through His Holy Name, the
Church, by faith, is the Head over all things (under the leadership of Christ.)
QUOTE: THE GREATEST BATTLE, PAGE 8, “So much as we have here, a
Devil is almost harmless unless he can have something to work in. he’s got…
you remember those devils that were cast out of Legion? They had—they want to
do more mischievousness, so they wanted to go in the hogs. So devils must have
something to work in, somebody to work through. And that’s the way God does
too. He has to have us; He’s depending on us to work through us.” (End of
Yes, God is going to work through his manifested Sons of God in these
last days. The Lord is even now giving His Sons their inheritance. Their
inheritance is dominion over the earth that was lost through Adam. Brother
Branham declared that the Sons of God must take over dominion of the earth
QUOTE: ADOPTION, PAGE 114, “Look, ‘has predestinated us unto
this inheritance.’ If I’m a right inheritance of something, if God is
knocking at my heart and saying, ‘William Branham, I called you a long time
ago, before the foundation of the world, to preach the Gospel,’I have an
inheritance, an inheritance of Eternal Life. Now, God sent Jesus to make that
inheritance real to me, because there was nothing I could do to—inherit it. It
was blank, it was valid, there’s nothing I can do. But in the fullness of
time, God sent, in His own good time, Jesus the Lamb, slain from the foundation
of the world. His Blood was shed that I might go to my inheritance. To be what,
what inheritance? The Son-ship, to be a Son of God.
And now this may just choke you to death. But did you know that man that
are Sons of God are amateur gods? How
many ever knowed that? How many knows that Jesus said so? The Bible, Jesus said,
“Did not your law say itself that you are ‘gods’? And if you call them
gods…” Which, God said in Genesis 2 that they were gods, because they
were, had full domain over the dominion of the world. He give him dominion over
all things. And he lost his God-ship, he lost his son-ship, he lost his domain,
and Satan took it over. But, glory, we are waiting for the manifestations of the
Sons of God who will come back and take it over again. Waiting for the fullness
of time, when the pyramid gets up to the top, when the full Sons of God will be
manifested, when the power of God will walk out (hallelujah) and will take every
power that Satan’s got away from him. Yes, sir, it belongs to him.
He’s the Logos that went out of God, that is true, that was the Son of
God. Then He made man that little god.
And He said, “If they call those who the Word of God came to, the prophets, if
they call them ‘gods’ who the Word of God came to…” And God said so,
Himself, that they were gods. He told Moses, “I made you a God, and made Aaron
your prophet.” Amen. Whew! I know I act like a religious crank, but I’m not.
Oh, your eyes can come open and see those things. All right, He made man a God,
a God in his domain. And your domain goes from sea to sea, from shore to shore,
he has the control of it.” ((End of quote)
QUOTE: ADOPTION, PAGE 115, “Go right back to Genesis, to the
original, what is it? Now the world and nature is groaning, crying,
everything’s a-moving. What? For the manifestation of the sons of God, when
true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe
we’re on the border of it right now. Yes, sir. Say to this mountain, let it be
“Brother, I—desire so and so, a certain thing done. I’m a believer
in Jesus Christ.”
“I give it to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” amen.
There’s a manifestation.
“Oh, brother, my crops are burning up out yonder. I haven’t had any
“I’ll send you a rain in the Name of the Lord, bless your crop.”
Oh, waiting, groaning, all nature waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of
God. God ordained it at the beginning. He gave man the domain.
He gave Jesus Christ, and Jesus gave it in His Name with this assurance,
“Ask the Father anything in My Name and I’ll do it.” Oh, Brother Palmer!
Waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God, the position, the church!
How you going to do it? Stand still! God’s the one that placed His
Church, Sons and Daughters of God. God, let me live to see it, is my prayer. So
close till I can just feel it with my hands almost, brother, it’s right there.
That’s what I’ve longed to see. Waiting for the time when walk down the
street; there lays a cripple laying there, from his mother’s womb. “Silver
and gold have I none.” Oh, waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God,
hallelujah, when God will make Hisself known, when it’ll stop sickness,
it’ll stop cancer, it’ll stop diseases.
You think cancer’s something? The Bible said there’s coming a time
when men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of
carcasses before they even die. Cancer’s a toothache to what’s a-coming.
But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who
had the Seal of God. That’s what we’re striving for now, to get in and be
positionally placed into the
In whom we also…obtained an
inheritance, being predestinated…” ((End of quote)
QUOTE: ADOPTION, PAGE 104, “God, since the beginning of the
world, predestinated us to the adoption of sons. Now the whole creation
groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Oh, I’d imagine
Paul had a wonderful time. I-like to have been there with him. Wouldn’t you?
Now he said, “He made known to us the mystery.” Get the Holy Spirit
on you sometime and start running that and just watch how it goes. This
afternoon I had, oh, about thirty minutes to study. Just to look the lesson
over; maybe not, I’ll say half of that, fifteen minutes between the time. And
I got to running, and I thought. “The mystery, how mysterious!” And the
Scripture packed me back into the Old Testament, then back over into the New
Testament. How it’s something together, see the mystery of His Coming, the
mystery of His will, the mystery of us sitting together. Remember, it cannot be
taught in any seminary. It’s a mystery. You cannot know it by education, by
theology. It’s a mystery that’s been hidden since the foundation of the
world, waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.
Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the Sons
of God was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When were there ever
a time in the history, those that manifest the time to deliver all nature?
Nature, the nature itself is groaning, waiting for the time of the
manifestation. Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was
ever poured out, before all the – all the Old Testament on down there, there
couldn’t have been manifestation. It had to wait till this time. Now
all things been brought, coming, shaping up to a headstone, to a manifestation
of Sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming into these man, so
perfectly, until their ministry will be so close like Christ’s till it will
join Him and His Church together. (End of quote)
Why did the manifestation of the Sons of God have to wait until this time
(Our time)? Because God had determined that there should be Seven Church Ages,
and the Bride of the last age had to
be given the full revelation that Paul had in the first age. The revelations had been lost through the dark ages, but
in the scriptures it was prophesied that the Prophet Elijah would come and turn
the heart of the children back to the faith of their Pentecostal Fathers (Mal.
4:6) The return of that faith would result in the manifestation of the End-Time
Sons of God. This is the mystery: The Sons of God ruling on Earth for their
Father. For 6000 years God has been in the process of placing His Creation back
into the hands of His predestinated Sons.
Now let us look at how God will
rule on Earth through His Sons. It will be through their effectual, fervent
prayers (James
The earth was man’s inheritance in the Garden of Eden, and the Lord is
determined to give it back to His Elect. A very important part of man being
returned to his inheritance is that he realizes that this is God’s plan. The
Lord has already “Blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places
in Christ.” (Eph. 1:3) All the
goodness of the past ages and of the present age, God has bestowed on His
End-Time Bride. In His electing Her, He had, from all Eternity, planned Her
regeneration and then adoption. He has given His Bride “Power
to become the sons of God.” The placing of these sons is now in progress;
their destiny is fixed, based on God’s predestinating wisdom and decree. The
Eye of the Lord was ever fixed on us, and we may rest assured that no enemy can
interfere with our betrothal and obedience to the Prince of Glory. All that was
gained by His coming down to Earth, his perfect obedience, His life void of any
sin, His death, and resurrection, are all ours by His own gift to us. Our names
are engraved on the palms of His Hands. His dominion over principalities and
powers is now given to those who trust Him. He who gave Himself for us in the
depths of sorrow and death is now revealing His purpose to return man to his
high estate, through “The Gift of
Righteousness.” (Rom.
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